City Council Approves an Exploratory Plan for a New Library!

On November 12, the Oakley City Council approved a resolution that would explore the possibility of developing a new Library in Oakley!

The Oakley City Council has approved $25,000 to look at the possibility of converting the old sheriff's station in to a Library. The building is located at 200 O'Hara Ave and has been vacant since the sheriff's department moved to Brentwood earlier this year. Per a staff report, the building itself has a number of code related concerns and is too small to function as a Library. The report would explore the possibility of tearing down the current structure and rebuilding a larger structure. 

The Oakley Library is currently resides in 3,000 square feet of the Freedom High School Library. The Library was moved to the High School in 1999 what was to be a period of 5 years so that the city could build a Library. Unfortunately, it has been 20 years and the library is still in the same space. We will be addressing this development at our next Friend's meeting on 11/21/2019. We hope to see everyone there!

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  • Brittany Matous
    published this page in News 2019-11-13 11:48:16 -0800

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